We are not bishops, superintendents, or conference directors. So how do we impact the pastors in our associations? Maybe Barnabas can give us a few tips.
Barnabas set an example for unseflishness and generosity. He made meeting the needs of others a priority in his life. Acts 4
He tried to see the good in others and then take action to give them a chance to prove themselves. Acts 9
He recognized that people sometimes make mistakes and need to be given a second chance to show their true stuff. Acts 15
He was not perfect and he made mistakes which the grace of God was able to overcome. Galatians 2
We as associational misionaries can set an example by our lifestyles what we would like to see our pastors doing. I don't think any of us are overpaid, but we do need to realize that church leaders may be more attentive to what we share with them if they see us willing to go through some of the same stuff they have to face day in and day out. Especially among our smaller churches and bivocational pastors, our examples need to be ones of generosity and compassion irrespective of church size or pastoral educational level.
We can help our ministers by helping pave a path for them into our areas. We can walk beside them in learning the ropes of the new church field. We can make key introductions that will hopefully make the transition easier and add resources to their toolbox. We can know who provides dependable service in several areas of life so that new ministers and their families have a reasonable place to start as they seek services in their communities.
I am not advocating that every associational missionary be qualified to throw himself into a church conflict as a mediator. However, there are basic people skills that every DoM should learn to be an effective listener when a disgruntled church member comes to the office or a pastor needs a shoulder to cry on concerning a messy situation for which he is responsible. Knowing how to encourage other people to ask for or to offer a second chance is a fundamental part of the redemption plan we are supposed to be offering people both outside and inside the church.
And do we all make mistakes? Oh and how! The associational missionary needs to be willing to admit mistakes and to ask for forgiveness. We also have our times when we need someone to give us a second chance.