We rarely point our hands at others. We generally use the classic "pointy" finger singling someone else out while our fist gives the authority. We all recognize, however, that that pose aims three fingers straight back at the old judge. Taking a moment to consider that physical position leaves an individual in a situation of self-evaluation, often a painful self-evaluation.
My recent reading has included some of those self-evaluation books written by individuals who are wise beyond their years. They leave me wondering where I have been during my ministry.
Without trying to do book reviews, let me simply say that the following books ought to be required reading for church leaders in the 21st century. The reader needs to ask herself or himself, "Why didn't I see this before?" Now that you have seen it, what will you do about it?
Jusst because associational directors of missions are not leading one church seven days a week, every week of the year, we are not exempt from being Christ imitators in every area of life be it work or family or leisure. We at least need to be good examples for the church leaders with whom we work. How do we allow our faith to inconvenience us? Where is the faith in our lives evident? Where in our daily schedules do we allow a sinful and lost world to impose itself upon us? When do we allow God's grace to flow through us to individuals who know nothing about grace or forgiveness or redemption or self-sacrificing love?
I recommend the following:
Lost and Found by Stetzer, Stanley, and Hayes
Surprising Insights from the Unchurched by Thom Rainer
The Christian Atheist by Craig Groeschel
The Next Christians by Gabe Lyons
The Trellis and the Vine by Colin Marshall and Tony Payne
Transformational Church by Ed Stetzer and Thom Rainer
May you be blessed in the wounding as I have been.