Friday, December 31, 2010

Resolved to Plan to Act

Resolutions are like promises and pie crust: Easily made and easily broken (Mary Poppins knew what she was talking about). Associational missionaries need to make resolutions that will challenge them to move beyond the work of the previous year.

These resolutions might include a change in direction, a change in priorities, an evaluation of previous actions with a determination to tweak or refuse to repeat. These kinds of resolutions can spur a servant of the Lord to more effective work, more focused work, more satisfying work.

Resolutions are just goals made at the end of the year. They serve us best when they are specific, measurable, attainable, result-focused, and time-limited: SMART!

Does trying to make a series of association-wide events worth the effort? Past experience says no. The occasional one may work, but trying to live by them in our area will lead to one dying by them. Resolving to work more with small clusters and individual churches seems to be a much better use of time and other resources.

Resolved: to be honest with the amount of resources available and boldly seek to use those resources in targeted areas in the most effective way possible!