Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Initial Reflections on the 2010 NC Baptist State Convention Annual Meeting

Attendance continues to drop at the annual meeting which is sad. A lot of tremendous information was shared that would make for a much more highly educated membership in our churches. Hearing both what has happened and what is planned would help our churches decide more effectively their own type and level of involvement. But if you don't show up, it is hard to get the news!

How much should what we have been shape who we should be? Change in the church is necessary when we live in a world that will change whether we want it to or not. Why we should change in a particular area of life and ministry and what should change always become the points of discussion and division. The study committee that was approved by this year's convention will have to answer those questions. Do we throw out the 1963 Baptist Faith and Message Statement as our doctinal document and replace it with the 2000 version or do we leave it as is?

1. Have we changed what we believe as Baptists? Then change the documents.
2. Are we doing it because the SBC did it? Not good enough, leave it alone.
3. If we have not changed what we believe, then don't change the documents.
4. If we are still an autonomous Baptist body, then any reference to the SBC should become irrelevant in the decision making process.

I don't think we have changed our fundamental beliefs about the Bible, its final authority in all matters of faith and practice, or our calling fron God to live God-glorifying lives before the world. Few associations and conventions on the state and local level across our country have felt a need to change. We don't need to do so either.