Tuesday, August 17, 2021

PHILLIPIANS 4:6-7 Why Worry

 I hope to publish here every two weeks. On alternate publication dates the blog will focus on personal insights and the other dates will be shared biblical insights on a particular passage from the Holy Bible. My prayer is they will be of some benefit.



6 Don't worry about anything, but in all your prayers ask God for what you need, always asking him with a thankful heart.

7 And God's peace, which is far beyond human understanding, will keep your hearts and minds safe in union with Christ Jesus. (Good News Bible)


I never read the story Pollyanna, but I understand it carries the same imagery we intend through using the phrase, "looking through rose-colored glasses". A person has the attitude that everything will turn out fine. Personally, I find that impossible!


Worry is what makes the world go around, not love. People worry about the future so they plan and save and buy insurance and make wills and keep guns in their houses and put up fences. People worry about their health, how much money they have, if moles are destroying their lawns, if their neighbor's swimming pool cost more than theirs, and if their children are dressed in the right styles, and on the right soccer team.


People worry if the sun will melt the snow on the ski run too quickly, if it will rain on their day off, or if the snow will keep the kids home from school. They worry if the house payment will be too much or if the shoes will not cost enough. They worry if the Democrats get into office or if the Republicans get put back in. They worry about the news on CNN and lack of it on the Weather Channel. They worry about taking care of their grandparents and their grandchildren all on the same day! And the Apostle Paul has the nerve to tell us not to worry.


Worry proves the connection between thoughts and bodily functions. Worry is the impetus behind creative action in the midst of emergency circumstances. Worry is also the immoveable object we call paralysis in the same emergency situation. Worry is the source of pain for millions. Worry is the source of divine comfort for millions. Who can escape worry?


Worry looks inward and becomes self-destructive, or it looks outward and finds fault and places blame. Worry rarely works toward finding solutions. Worry rarely looks for win-win solutions. Worry puts butterflies in the stomach, twitches in the hands and kneecaps, pain behind the eyes, and sweat on the brow. Worry wastes time just like Spider Solitaire.


Paul proposes an option - Prayer. Prayer is doing something. You don't have to understand the process of what you are doing. You don't have to understand what the results will be. You don't even have to understand the how and when of God's actions. You simply have to pray.


Praying instead of worrying is a letting-go process. Praying as opposed to worrying involves confession. I cannot handle this by myself. Praying is acknowledging. God, you are big enough to handle this. Praying is accepting freedom from responsibility. God, you are not holding me accountable for handling this situation all by myself.


Paul's directions don't let us off the hook. Refusing to worry doesn't mean that we are not intimately involved in the process of reaching an answer in the current messy situation. We don't just let go and let God. We become part of the material he will use to work out his plan. We put God in the driver's seat while we move to the back. We are still there, just not calling the shots.


Prayer is getting in God's face. Talk to God. Tell him what you want. Be honest. Be thorough. Be sincere. Be humble. Put yourself in his hands to be protected, strengthened, and used as a part of the solution to your request. Be thankful that he is always present, always ready to listen, and always ready to help according to his unlimited wisdom and on his time table.