Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Building an Effective Bible Study Ministry

 Studying the Bible is not an option for a Christian. For someone who wants to know what Christians are supposed to believe and practice, studying the Bible likewise is not an option. Anyone who wants to know what Christianity is all about must start with the Bible.

Many believers have come to a point of faith in God through Jesus Christ by reading portions of the Bible on their own. The Bible has the power to reveal a person’s soul and its needs. When that person is sincerely seeking Truth, the printed word will lead that person to the Living Word who is Truth incarnate.

Others have found their minds opened to the leadership of the Holy Spirit by joining with a believer to understand what the Bible was saying. The study became a common pilgrimage where each grew from the questions raised and the answers discovered through their search in the Scriptures.

In the context of corporate worship, believers and non believers share the same social experience but come from a different perspective. The testimony of believers voiced in song, prayer, and scriptural exposition touches each mind uniquely under the influence of the Holy Spirit. In the context of the Family of God gathered for worship, the Holy Spirit uses not only the written word but also the faith expression of multiple believers to reveal Truth in the Bible.

The Sunday School is the Church organized in small group fashion to focus upon the written word of God. These small groups may be only two or three, or the numbers may reach into the hundreds when insufficient leadership is available. For adults the ideal is between twelve and twenty participants. This allows for the development of supportive relationships and openness in sharing personal spiritual growth experiences.

Though the Sunday School class has one primary text for study, the Bible, it also has other functions which are critical for a climate in which the Holy Spirit is free to work in the heart of participants. Teaching the participants the content and thrust of Scripture and leading them to see the priority of the relationship God wants to have with every individual is the most obvious function. Five other functions include 1) reaching others who are not part of the Body of Christ, 2) strengthening the spiritual walk of believers through discipleship training, 3) encouraging prayer as a mark of the relationship with God, 4) nurturing others in the Body of Christ through acts of ministry, and 5) using evangelism and ministry to touch the lives of those who do not know Christ as Lord and Savior.

When we think Sunday School, we think Bible teaching. Studying God’s word and applying its lessons to life is essential for growing as a Christian and being the salt and light Christ has called us to be. To understand what the Bible says we must read it, interpret it correctly both in its historical context and in its modern application, and apply its principles to our lives and relationships.

Good outreach depends upon a personal relationship with Christ, humility, and a love for all people. It takes initiative and boldness. It takes the conviction only through Christ can we have eternal life.

In small group Bible study we learn what it means to be disciples of Christ. We learn the cost of discipleship, the patterns of discipleship, and the rewards of discipleship.

In small group Bible study we learn about and practice prayer, the channel of communication that keeps us close to God

We practice through relationships developed in small group Bible study ministry to each other. We develop that interdependence that is critical to the Body of Christ.

Finally we work together to go forth in mission efforts to reach those who are outside the Body of Christ to offer hope for eternal life. Every believer is a missionary. Working through and supported by a small Bible study group makes this most effective.

2Ti 2:15 Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.