Thanksgiving season (as opposed to the day) doesn’t get near enough emphasis.
Its roots lie back in the early history of settlers coming to this continent.
Presidents thought it an important enough idea to designate a special day for
it each year. Frankly, it’s just good to stop and figure out what we have for
which we ought to give thanks. Since a couple of weeks ago I wrote on taking
time to stop, breathe, and remember what all these holidays are about, this
week I am stopping long enough to record a list of what is so important in my
life that it deserves gratitude.
Being a
follower of Jesus Christ, without apology I give my gratitude first and
foremost to my heavenly Father.
“Every good gift and every perfect present comes from heaven; it comes
down from God, the Creator of the heavenly lights, who does not change or cause
darkness by turning...” (James 1:17)
That will
always begin my list of blessings. Before I can move into the mortal realm,
there has to be the primacy of God the Son who freely chose to take the
punishment for my personal rebellion against the plans of the Father. There is
the gift of God the Spirit who dwells within my mind and enables me to strive
to live in accordance with the plans God has for me.
The blessings
of this life begin with relationships. My wife and two sons and now a
daughter-in-law take my thoughts away from a self-centered focus and direct
them toward individuals who have shown me it is truly more blessed to give than
to receive.
I am thankful
for the home that now no longer exists created by my parents who loved God and
loved their two sons; who sacrificed much to give those two sons a hope for a
future that would include greater opportunities than their own had contained.
In the
mornings when I walk I sometimes use the moments to point out to God all the
good things in my life instead of asking for more:
A body that is still strong enough and pain free so that I can
walk; eyes to behold the beauty of the stars; ears to hear the haunting sound
of the great horned owl and early rising mockingbird; hands and fingers that
can feel the cold begin to seep through the gloves.
Gloves to keep my fingers and hands warm; multiple layers of
clothes that make the early morning walk bearable; shoes that can keep out the
cold from the frozen ground.
A house with a roof that does not leak and windows and doors that
keep out rain, snow and wind; a warm bed from which to rise and a full
refrigerator to which to return; photographs to remind of what has been and
calendars and schedules to remind me, for the moment at least, I have an
earthly future.
A car that runs well enough to take me to a job that pays well
enough to cover the bills; a driveway in a grassy yard presently covered with
leaves of many hues; stone walls bordering flower and herb beds that hold
memories of past beauty and promises of future glory.
Friends and extended family scattered across the states; and a
waiting spiritual home that will know no end.
3:15 The peace that Christ gives is to
guide you in the decisions you make; for it is to this peace that God has
called you together in the one body. And be thankful.
3:16 Christ's message in all its
richness must live in your hearts. Teach and instruct one another with all
wisdom. Sing psalms, hymns, and sacred songs; sing to God with thanksgiving in
your hearts.
Col 3:17 Everything you do or
say, then, should be done in the name of the Lord Jesus, as you give thanks
through him to God the Father.
I am blessed. I have many reasons to
be thankful throughout the year. May you be filled with gratitude in the
knowledge God will meet your every need.