I have a retirement program into which I make regular financial investments in preparation for a future that may or may not ever arrive. By most that is considered wise planning. I wish I could invest more, but there is no chance of a future unless I also take care of today.
Whether we realize it or not, we are all investing in the people around us. Sometimes that is intentional. Many times it is not. You can call it mentoring, teaching, directing, or simply influencing. Whatever name you give it, you are investing in people.
As couples we are investing in our spouses. As parents we invest in our children. As workers on the job we invest through our efforts and work ethic in the lives of employers, coworkers, and employees. In our churches we are investing in our membership. As leaders we do it with a high level of intentionality, but everyone does it to one extent or another. And it all relates to our present and our future.
Investing in people should be intentional. As followers of Christ we should always be seeking to influence others in a way that will point them to the relationship they need with Jesus. Our daily actions will influence others as they watch us and interact with us. Our speech will reveal the priorities of our hearts. Our words, tone, and body language will convey a desire to build up or tear down. No matter what we do, for better or for worse we will be investing in people.
Jesus invested his ministry in his followers. He chose twelve to walk with him. He chose three to share in his most critical moments. As church leaders we would do well to follow such an example. The next generation of leaders will look to someone to see what to do or what not to do. If they can see the positive in you, then your investment in their lives will be to the benefit of many yet to come.
Paul's command to his young disciple in I Timothy 4:12 is clear wisdom for all of us. Set an example for the believers in speech, life, love, faith, and purity. Be intentional in pouring yourself into the life or lives of one or more who will carry the mantle after you are gone. Your name is not important, only Christ's. What you have received from others is very important. Share the teaching and set the example of a crucified life in this world, faithfully carrying out the work of the Master until he returns to claim his own.