Sunday, October 3, 2010

Why Blog?

Blogging is for people who have something to say. That may be insightful thoughts on life in general or ministry in particular. It may also be in the form of questions for which answers are sought. That is more my reason for blogging. I have more questions than answers and everyday brings more revelations about how little I know even after 60 years of life and 35 years of service in the gospel ministry. In these brief comments I will be looking for help in finding answers. I need answers to troubled relationships. These exist between individuals and God, between individuals and society, between individuals and their churches, between individuals and the Church. They exist between individuals and their families, between individuals and their friends, between individuals and their own desires.

I will share what little I have gleaned along the pilgrim path and reveal what I still need to learn. I seek help from God and all fellow pilgrims. I look forward to your comments.