Monday, December 4, 2017

Senior Adults Are People

We may see them as individuals who are always on the go. They volunteer with non-profit organizations. They use a life time of accumulated skills to help others. They begin second careers. They continue to learn in a variety of ways. They pursue hobbies long postponed and develop new interests in areas of life never before explored. They travel with and without their extended families. The Go-Go individuals among our senior adults can be hard to slow down.

Those who have less initiative are just as willing to participate but need the encouragement of family and friends to be a part of the life around them. They need others to plan and include them in the activities that will keep them a part of the social circles they have valued all their lives. The Will-Go individuals are ready to go and be a part of the plans designed by others. They only need to know others want them.

Extra concern must be shown for those who need more than just an opportunity to be a part of friendship circles. They need consideration for how they feel each day. They need the consideration of how they will be able to get around either with extra support or with others providing transportation. These Slow-Go individuals are special members of our groups and must never be forgotten.

All too often the Can’t-Go individuals are out-of-sight/out-of-mind among their acquaintances. Their caregivers often suffer the same fate. Yet these people are valuable to the Kingdom of God and to society. The efforts others must make to include them will be more than worth the time and energy as everyone gains an enhanced sense of value and ability to contribute. Such efforts must be intentional. They must be planned, and the needs of the restricted individual must be a priority consideration. The result will be a blessing for all.

That fifth category can be frustrating, but it cannot be overlooked. Won’t-Go individuals may say they have no interest in being involved, but rare is the individual who has no desire to relate to others on some terms or in some type of situation. The task is to find the outlet in which these individuals will become involved and then lead them to see such involvement can be a positive addition to their own lives and to the lives of others. These need to know they are loved and of value to the Kingdom of God as much as any other human being.

In some form or fashion all our senior adults fall into one of these five groups. Each group has special qualities, abilities, and needs. As physical abilities deteriorate and the opportunities to interact outside of the residence become more limited, these opportunities become more of a priority in the social relationships of the individual. Social contacts decrease and more time is spent seeking to maximize physical strength.

Whether the focus is maximizing social interaction or in maintaining a sense of good health, spiritual development must be a priority. Every opportunity to strengthen the spiritual life must be optimized in whatever ways the individual can respond. The differences may be great, but when the senior adult ensemble takes its music to the nursing home, those who can sing share their abilities. Those who can only sit and listen lift the musicians up in prayer. All are given the chance to contribute to the work of the Kingdom of God and everyone receives a blessing.

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Give the Go-Go a Reason to Go

A fifth category among our oldest generation is the Go-Go group. They have probably retired from their careers. They find themselves with a lot more time if not a lot more money. They have a wide variety of interests. They are in good health. They are the ones you will hear say, “I have less free time now than when I was working full time!”

They may take a nap in the middle of the day, but they are looking for something to do when they awaken. They play golf regularly, work out at the fitness center, or take walks either early in the morning or late in the afternoon several times a week. They may not be health nuts, but they know they need to be in good health to do what they want to do.

This Go-Go crowd makes up your senior volunteers at Habitat for Humanity home builds and repair projects. You’ll find them on highway clean-up crews and volunteers with recycling drives. They go flower and bird hunting with cameras. They are the leaders in flower and garden clubs and at the forefront of community beautification programs. When they are not home planting flowers, they are touring the United States or the far reaches of the world.

In brief the Go-Go crowd is on the go, they enjoy being on the go, and they wouldn’t be happy if they weren’t on the go. So the question is, how do you make life richer for the individual who is always on the go.

You give them a reason, a purpose, an inner motivation that is bigger than they are. They realize their on-the-go energy can make life better not just for themselves but others around them and even for the generations to come. From the perspective of those who are followers of Christ, it is a matter of doing something not for yourself, but for an eternal cause that is greater than any human purpose.

When the Apostle Paul wrote these words to the members of the Christian fellowship in Colossae, he was seeking to convey the importance of purpose in our actions. We may do a lot, but does it accomplish anything of value. Why we do something is of immense importance.

Col 3:23 Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as though you were working for the Lord and not for people.

This verse was written in the context of instructions to slaves. The slaves had to be obedient, but if they kept their eyes on a greater motivation, then the quality of their work and their attitude in the midst of it would be far better. By placing your efforts in the hands of God, things have a greater chance of accomplishing their true purpose.

The Go-Go will be in involved. Where they will be involved is their choice, but being involved is simply a result of their internal drive “to do”. As we seek to enrich the lives of these people who find satisfaction in being involved, we must let them see a motivation that will lead them to exceed the expectations of others and perhaps even their own. It is a simple result of doing something for someone else. The more we value that other person, the more fulfilling our work will be.

Do your service in the name of the Lord. There is no one who has a greater claim on your life and all that you are. Give him the quality of work his position in your life deserves. You might think in terms of “good enough” for a human boss, but with Jesus “good enough never is” to quote the founder of Mrs. Field’s Cookies.

Give the Go-Go member of your group a divine purpose, a sense of motivation grounded in the person of God. Then you will see a person who gives their very best all the time and finds deep satisfaction in the process.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Give Them the Opportunity

With the Can’t-Go senior adult, patience must be exercised as the effort is made to engage the individual in activities that will lead them to a vital relationship with Jesus Christ. Real concern must be shown so that no one ends up believing they are wanted only because they are another warm body. They must be shown they have a serious contribution to make to the work of the Body of Christ.

The Can’t-Go individuals need to see they still are valuable members of the Body of Christ. They may not be able to do what they once did, but their current limitations are not a barrier to meaningful ministry in serving others.

Those who want to do more and are capable of doing more but only under more limited conditions also need to be shown the variety of ways they can still contribute to the Church at work. Assistance can and should be given to these Slow-Go individuals. The Body of Christ will suffer great loss if these senior adults are denied a chance to participate and add their unique gifts to the ministries of the local family of faith.

A fourth category of older adults is the Will-Go part of the family. The mental capacity is still sharp. The physical ability can still deliver. The one area that is lacking is the personal energy needed for initiative. The weariness often felt is more the weight of years than actual physical limitations.

Think of some of the developments in an older adult that will inhibit the natural initiative to be involved. These may include periods of physical weakness related to diseases such as arthritis and weakened lung capacity. These detriments to involvement may also not be so much related to physical problems as to relational issues. Difficulties among family members may not directly involve the senior adult, but worry over these other family members can dampen the desire to take the initiative to be involved in social activities.

These relational issues that lessen a Will-Go’s desire to participate can also be focused on other members of the church or organization. When relationships are under stress, excuses may be made to avoid the possibility of being in the company of individuals who may be seen as the source of the estrangement. Since relationships are the primary product of the church, these fractures must be resolved if at all possible.

Show the Will-Go the positive. Show how their involvement will be a significant contribution to the activity and to the group as a whole. They must see the value in being a part of the project, the program, or mission. They must realize the contribution they are able to make even if they are not the one in charge.

Thus a wide diversity of opportunities for service must be provided. In some cases the positions can involve up front responsibilities. Because the Will-Go may not want to take the initiative to get something started doesn’t mean they do not have the ability to lead. If the servant role is still more comfortable, then it should be clearly shown how success in the endeavor is dependent upon a team effort in which one may be leading but progress can only occur as all pull together.

Inclusion is critical to keep the Will-Go involved. Publicity is prominent. Purpose is clearly stated. The how-to is shown to everyone. Make the members of this senior adult group realize they are important, they have something to contribute, and progress cannot be made without their involvement.

They can be the active support staff. They can be the critical element in having sufficient labor to fulfill a task. They can be the ones who set the example for the next generation to show because the years mount up, it doesn’t mean the important contributions have to stop. The Will-Go can definitely still go.

Monday, September 4, 2017

The Slow-Go Can Go

As one who is approaching the Slow-Go category, the need to see how this group of people can continue to feel valuable grows ever more important. Even procrastination can be an excuse for slowing down and not being involved as might be possible.

As followers of Jesus Christ we should seek as many ways as possible to enhance the value of each person that will show God still considers them of value, and they are able to be a meaningful part of his Kingdom. If our imagination keeps forcing these folks back into old ways no longer reasonable, then we need the imagination of others to show them new activities to explore.

Modern technology has helped many overcome what was once physically debilitating. New avenues of mission work allow old skills to be enjoyed by more people. Communication methods allowing worldwide contact have created the opportunity for a Slow-Go in one country to be in contact with others with similar limitations half a world away.

Consider these ideas as you help a Slow-Go friend or relative get a fresh start in life. Some involve travel outside the home. Remember, a Slow-Go individual should never be seen as homebound. That may come soon enough. Seek to provide as many opportunities to get out of their residence and associate with others as possible. Other opportunities for service can be accomplished at home.

Being an active prayer warrior is never a function of mobility. While at home the Slow-Go individual can provide prayer support for the congregation in the same way the Can’t-Go individual does. As a prayer warrior the individual can be assigned a specific group of people to hold in prayer such as a list being served by a deacon or elder. The prayer list can also include church members away from home such as students, those serving in the military, and specific missionaries working on home and foreign fields.

From home, ministry can be performed by use of the telephone through contacting absentees from Bible study groups or ministry programs. A Slow-Go can be the contact person for the homebound individual living in their own home or in a support facility. The telephone allows the relationship between church and college student to be maintained. The Slow-Go doesn’t have to be a family member. A voice from the church family back home can make a world of difference to the college student or military personnel who may be thousands of miles away. When a phone call needs a little extra emphasis, the written letter and card can add that little extra bit of love.

With transportation available, other possibilities for service open up. The Slow-Go can be a part of local mission projects. It might even be that products made at home can then be delivered on a local basis, or become part of a major project sent elsewhere. Visitation to those who cannot get out is a proven blessing to all.

Leadership can be provided in local Bible study, mission action, or community focused groups. The church office may sometimes needs someone to handle reception or phone calls for a brief time. A Slow-Go can offer past experience and a love of service at such a time when a volunteer is needed.

As I have learned from experience, an older person can learn to appreciate instead of fear the digital age. Social media is a blessing when used appropriately. A Slow-Go can learn how to manage web sites, facebook and similar social media outlets, and through them communicate with the world either personally or in the name of the congregation. Help a Slow-Go individual learn the new tricks of our century and you will give them reason to face each day with a smile on their face.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

A Little Patience, Please

There are many among us who would love to be able to do what they did many years ago in the prime of their life. Age and general weaknesses have left them able to do only a fraction of what former health allowed. They have less physical movement and that is accomplished at a slower pace. They try to get around overcoming as much of their limitations as possible. All they ask is some assistance and a lot of patience.

The “slow-go” individuals face the frustration of remembering what they have been able to do, but now must adjust to a different lifestyle. In many cases the desire to be involved remains, and their mental capacity says things really haven’t changed all that much.

Then they have to get up on a cool, damp morning and their joints simply don’t want to cooperate. Muscles have stiffened overnight, and that cane or walker reminds them they have to move slowly even around their kitchen and living room. They refuse to give up and give in to the aches and pains that are a part of their daily existence. Their speed and stability while walking, however, reveal time has taken its toll and adjustments have to be made.

Yet these too are a part of our human family. They too deserve to be given respect and the opportunity to contribute to their world as well as receive from it. How do we as fellow pilgrims on this journey through life in general and as members of the family of God with Jesus Christ as our Lord live out the mandate we are our brother’s and sister’s keeper? To show the honor every human being deserves, we must be willing not only to give into their lives, but we must also be willing to provide ways we can receive from them that will give them a sense of personal satisfaction.

In many ways similar to the “can’t go” individual, the slow go person will need to contribute in ways that use the mind and spirit more than physical motion. This does not mean, however, these individuals cannot contribute in social settings that is rewarding to all. In the solo setting, these individuals can also be great prayer warriors for the family of faith. Allow them the opportunity to use a regularly updated prayer list to support the spiritual efforts of their church. “Slow go” individuals may also be the best individuals to call those who are homebound and not able to get out. This keeps both groups in contact with other people in a way that exercises social skills and mental processes.

Many of these people have hand skills which can be used at home or in group settings that will benefit others. With transportation provided to a central location, they are able to participate in a social setting and produce items that provide a sense of personal accomplishment and benefit others at the same time. For most of these people there has been minimal loss of mental faculties. Their memories can be a wealth of information and inspiration for those who will take time to listen and record their words for others.

The man and woman in our circles of friends and acquaintances who are not restricted to their residence and yet cannot quite keep up with the crowd have still much to offer our society. If we must slow down a bit to keep them involved, we may discover we are all the better for it.